Abhirup Bhadra

Visiting Ph.D. Student

I obtained my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur (Calcutta University) in 2018 followed by a Master of Science in Chemistry at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur with my thesis on “Electrochemical Sensing of Cr(VI)” in the group of Prof. C. Retna Raj in 2020. I am now pursuing my doctoral studies at the School of Chemical Engineering in University of New South Wales (UNSW). I joined the Electrochemical Storage Engineering Laboratory lead by Dr. Dipan Kundu at UNSW in October 2020 and started to work on all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) by employing experimental and computational approach. I stayed at the Indian Institute of Science to execute some of the computational aspects of my research from February to September 2021. I do continue to work on collaborative projects between UNSW and the SAI-MAT group.

Apart from researching, I enjoy watching movies, travelling, and exploring new places.

I was involved with the following publication as part of my tenure with the group.

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