Dr. Sai Gautam Gopalakrishnan will deliver two (virtual) invited talks, as part of the “Computational Materials Science” (CMS) and “Batteries, Fuel Cells, and Supercapacitors” (BFCS) symposia at the “Third Indian Materials Conclave and 32ndAnnual General Meeting,” 2021 of the Materials Research Society of India (MRSI). He will speak about his post-doctoral work of finding oxide perovskites for solar thermochemical water splitting applications in the CMS symposium, while he will present some of his recent work on screening for cathode materials in Ca- and Na-batteries in the BFCS symposium. The CMS and BFCS talks will be on Dec 22 and Dec 23, respectively, with both talks scheduled at 5.15pm, Indian Standard Time. To join the talk, use the credentials sent to you by MRSI upon registration.